Leading products in optical metrology Made in Germany

Review Station

MueTec offers both defect review functionality on our defect inspection systems as well as a standalone review system. The review system enables re-evaluation of defect data from a previous inspection run, both online and offline.


Online review:

After importing a defect list in KLARF format or any other coordinate based list, the scanning stage moves to the defect locations. The defect will be located in the center of the field-of-view of the optical system, and then examined closer using flexible magnifications. The defects are compared with the imported images from the automatic inspection run. Defect images can be stored automatically at higher magnification in contrast to the typically lower resolution images from automatic defect inspection. The existing defect classification may be adjusted during review and the KLARF files are updated automatically.


Offline review:

the offline review offers the same functionality as the online review, but without loading the sample. The review will be performed on stored image data. Offline review can be performed on the MueTec systems or on any office PC. 


MueTec Europe


+49 89 1500 169 0


Hans-Bunte-Str. 5
80992 Munich / Germany




+49 9938 9191-0


Isarauer Str. 77
94527 Aholming / Germany