DaVinci 270UV – Mask CD Metrology
MueTec's has a large, global installed base of optical CD (Critical Dimension) mask metrology systems. These systems were sold under the “LWM270UV” brand name by Leica and KLA in the past. The latest member of this product family is the DaVinci 270UV, a fully enclosed, fully automated mask metrology system.
DaVinci 270UV
Mask CD MetrologyShow details
Typical Applications
Critical Dimension Metrology
Cost effective solution for mask layers with feature sizes of 300nm and above
UV and visable light capability
Reflected and transmitted light
Highest quality opticcs
Flexible tool configurations available
CD repeatability (3 sigma) long term < 4 nm (etched layer)
DaVinci 200IR, DaVinci 300IR – Infrared (IR) solutions for CD, Overaly and Inspection
MueTec's Infrared-Solutions are designed to improve manufacturing yield in MEMS manufacturing. We offer fully automated solutions for 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm and 300 mm MEMS wafer.
DaVinci 200IR + 300IR
200mm MEMS inspection and metrology system (SMIF)Show details
Typical Applications
Sealing Inspection after bonding
(eutectic bonding or glass frit bonding)
Device Inspection after bonding
Overlay Metrology after bonding
Critical Dimension Metrology after bonding
Best inclassIR image quality with wafelengths of up to 1500nm
Flexible handling (backside vacuum, flipping, edge-vacuum) for MEMS specific wafers
Combined reflected & transmitted light illumination modes
MT3000 – Wafer Metrology
Fully automated metrology and inspection system (open cassette)Show details
Typical Applications
Film Thickness
Defect Inspection
Defect Review
Simultaneous wafer handling 75 - 200mm