ARGOS 200-F / 300-F
ARGOS technology
The ARGOS system for macro defect inspection is easy to operate and does not require to write any recipes. It also enables 100% inspection of all wafer during the process of lithography with a throughput that is equal to, or faster that of a lithography cluster. In consequence, we enable our customers to move from sample inspection to inspection of all wafer and from manual inspection by operators to a statistically reliable, automated inspection process.
Used in:
Semiconductor manufacturing - Back-END
Key differences:
Closed Frame Tool; Handling of framed wafer, fully SECS/GEM 300 compliant
Key Features:
Post-Sawn framed wafer inspection; 200mm or 300mm framed wafer handling; recipeless operation
Product highlights
- fully automated inspection system
- closed tool architecture
- robot-based and manual wafer loading possible
- typical application: post-saw framed wafer inspection
- multi-zone inspection of wafer, foil and frame
- SECS/GEM interface - fully remote host control
- simultaneous bright and dark field inspection
- 200mm / 300mm framed wafer
- dual arm robot handling with wafer mapper
- recipe less operation
- full field backside inspection